Endless stories

Marcos González

Catalan painter Marcos-González returns these days to her Castilian origin with about thirty paintings, about thirty “endless stories”, as she calls them.

Art lovers and aficionados these days have an inescapable appointment in the Garcigrande Palace, with the exhibition “Tauromías”, bullfighting as I see it, in which artist Marcos-González, whose father was from Salamanca and her mother from Valladolid, publicly shows her passion for the atmosphere which surrounds bullfighting. After the many years spent in research in the art world and the many months she spends making a painting , colours and oxide become one with the message of an endless story. “I would spend hours on end talking about each of the paintings.”

Having been a journalist until about fifteen years ago, she finds that art is very similar to her previous profession: “When I want to paint I decide what I want to convey and how I want to say it. You must be very sure of what you want to convey. It is also similar to the bullfighter’s attitude: your mind must be cold and clear, with a warm heart”.

She is the winner of the El Toro Bravo competition, and she finds in primary colours the way to convey not only moods but also “the light, the colour and the life of the world of bullfighting”.

The connection between the painting and the artist when it comes to conveying a message involves also the public, thanks to the explanation of the story, because, according to Marcos-González “you must explain the paintings so that the message is better captured. Besides, this enhances the paintings”.

Mónica Zabálburu. Art critic for La Gaceta de Salamanca. Exhibition carried out in the Garcigrande Palace. September 1995.

Mónica Zabálburu. Art critic for La Gaceta de Salamanca.
Exhibition carried out in the Garcigrande Palace. September 1995.


Ecological and "Mironian" technique

Endless stories

Rain and iron

The art of magic

The pictorial transmutation of iron

Thirsting for the absolute